Blog summary
With much reluctance, I have to say that this post will be my final blog post! Looking back to when I began this blog, I realise in hindsight that I knew really very little about climate change in Africa and even less so about its impact on Africa's freshwater security... Within three months, however, I have gained a myriad knowledge on the subject - okay I may not be an expert but I certainly know a lot more than I did! So what are the main things I have learnt? 1. Africa is regarded to be vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. However, the impact on freshwater resources is a lot less clear-cut, with other demographic stress argued to have a much greater impact on the demise of freshwater in Africa. This may be because of data problems (both quality and quantity) that make it hard to predict how water supplies will react to climate change, but (which draws me onto my second point)... 2. Water insecurity is a result of ineffective governance, not inadequat...